

Job in London: PHP/SQL/Web hacker

20 Jahre 1 Monat her #17250 von cntr
Job in London: PHP/SQL/Web hacker wurde erstellt von cntr


We're looking for a well-rounded PHP/SQL/Web hacker to join the team
developing Audioscrobbler.com and Last.fm.

Last.fm ltd is 5 people, 2 of which deal with the php/web stuff.
As such, we tend to get things done quickly.

We're doing a *lot* of work on our web platform, and system architecture,
and it's going to be that way for the forseeable future.
Although this job has a distinct web-monkey sound to it, we're looking for
someone with knowledge in as many areas as possible, to become a permanent,
flexible member of the development team.

This is a full-time position, our office is in east london
(short walk from Aldgate East tube station).

Required skills:

+ Good at 'getting things done'.
+ Quick & eager to learn/think/argue/adapt/plan/execute/debug/hack

(You are likely to encounter/learn this stuff working here anyway)

+ Music taste
+ Knowledge of how the web works, on various levels
+ Smarty templating system (smarty.php.net)
+ Webservices + syndication
+ Linux CLI basics
+ Anything applicable to running/building high-traffic dynamic websites.
+ We also have some java services, so some java knowledge would be a bonus

Contact Richard if you're interested:
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mfg cntr 8)

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